We are all really excited that the Arrowhead SEED (Skills Enhancement for Employment and Development) course is starting up again tomorrow morning! 8 clubhouse members will be taking the 8 week employment course and we’ll be helping them find employment here on the Sunshine Coast. We even have two part-time positioned lined up at the Sunshine Coast Community Service’s Food Bank.
There are a number of key people and agencies who have helped the SEED Project come to fruition. We would like to acknowledge and give thanks to: the shíshálh Nation, on who’s traditional lands our clubhouse sits, Adele Koyanagi (former Arrowhead Board Member and Employment Educator), Brenda Sleva of the Sunshine Coast Credit Union, the staff of Sunshine Coast Community Services who have helped with guidance, feedback and the sharing of their knowledge and resources, and the SEED project’s funder - The Vancouver Foundation. Thank you.