New Arrowhead Film

Check out the new Arrowhead Clubhouse short film. It’s 2 minutes long and it is truly amazing! It shows our community all the amazing things we do here at Arrowhead. We think it will also help us break down stigma around mental illness. And just in time for World Mental Health Day on Sunday, October 10th.

World Mental Health Day is extremely important to everyone at Arrowhead. This year’s theme, “Mental Health in an Unequal World”, is particularly relevant given the double whammy the Covid-19 pandemic has dealt to those living with mental illness. It has not only caused more depression and anxiety but at the same time disrupted already limited mental health services. 

Watch the film to see how here at the Clubhouse we provide a place where people living with mental illness can come to learn skills, get support and build relationships in a safe, stigma-free environment.